Booking.com_ Hotels and more

Save on your next trip with the app! Find great deals on hotels or apartments and book in a few minutes. You can also book flights, car rentals, and more through the app.

- Book your entire trip in one app
- Stay flexible with free cancellation (available at most accommodations)
- 24/7 customer service in over 40 languages
- No booking or credit card fees
- Chat directly with your property in the app
- Enjoy discounts only on mobile devices
- Use filters to easily find the perfect spot from millions of available accommodations
- Get a paperless confirmation of your booking - no printing required
- Manage your bookings on the go, making changes whenever and wherever you want
- Discover local attractions and make the most of your trip
- Share your experience and get local tips on our travel community forums

Access to millions of properties
From comfortable cabins to unconventional city apartments, find the perfect place among the millions of accommodations available. Our app offers hotels, apartments, B&Bs and more.

Quickly find the perfect place to stay
Filter hotels by price, review score, WiFi quality, and other things that are important to you. Search for cheap hotels by city, attraction, landmark, or hotel name. Special requests? Pet friendly hotels? We have filters for everything. You can also compare your preferred accommodation options side by side to ensure you get the best price and quality.

Offers for any budget
Discover daily stay deals and save on your next hotel, apartment or villa booking.
Get exclusive mobile-only discounts of 10% or more on select properties when booking in the app. Find your perfect accommodation at an ideal price.

Stay flexible with free cancellation
Change of plans? No problem. You can cancel for free at most hotels, apartments and other accommodation in the And the app makes things easy: it only takes a few clicks to cancel, and you're free to find the place that best suits your needs.

Travel at the last minute
Are you heading somewhere in a hurry? With the app, you can quickly book hotels at the last minute (as well as in advance). Finding a place in a short time has never been easier. Our app allows you to search for nearby accommodations, fill in some details and secure your reservation. You can also change, cancel or make additional bookings on the go.

Embark on the perfect journey
Book domestic or international flights on the go with ease. The app allows you to search for thousands of airline ticket deals daily. Airline tickets are available for all major airlines and destinations.

Get on the road with car rental
Car rental was recently added to the app. Whether you just need a trip to explore your destination or you're on an epic road trip, a app can help. Rent a car from all major companies and hit the road!

Book taxis with ease
Book in advance for a seamless connection from the airport to your destination. You can also book taxis to and from other pick-up points, such as hotels and local attractions.

Find and book a great experience
Whether you're looking for tickets to attractions, a museum, culinary tours, or helicopter rides, you can book experiences online in minutes, with free cancellation for many options.

Get tips and share them with other travelers
Connect with other travelers, share your experiences, get local tips on the best accommodations, sights, and more. Discover new experiences and plan your trip with our app.

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