Mobile App Development Trends 2022

The largest technology market on this planet is the mobile app ecosystem. There are almost 6 billion apps on mobile app stores. According to Statista, the total number of mobile app downloads in 2017 was 197 billion. Every business now admits that having a mobile app is not just an investment for your business, it is the key to surviving in the market. Now more popular brands are using brand awareness mobile apps to increase their sales and marketing. In 2020, there are plenty of mobile app trends to watch out for.

• The Internet of Things would continue

• Accelerated mobile sites

• Android Instant Apps

• Security of mobile applications

• Cloud-based applications

• The robots

• Mobile application on demand

Internet of Things

Wearable and IoT applications are very important and will grow in 2022. Most Internet of Things (IoT) players are focused on developing mature and accessible wearable and IoT applications. Investments in the Internet of Things will increase to 120 billion by 2020. The adoption of wearable technology in mobile applications is increasing rapidly in the healthcare and manufacturing domains.

Accelerated mobile sites

The new way to improve your web page load time in mobile apps is Accelerated Mobile Pages. Accelerated mobile pages will help you increase conversion rates, bounce rates, and CTR. It also gives you a better user experience and visibility on mobile search engines. Accelerated mobile pages are really important for online businesses and developers. With AMP, your mobile search engine ranking will change dramatically.

Android Instant Apps

In fact, you can view its android app without installing the app and its content is the newest development in the app industry. Android Instant Apps are compatible with the latest versions from 5.0 to 8.0 Android Studios. Vimeo increased their app session length by 140% in 2017 with Android Instant Apps.

Mobile app security

Important mobile application security requirements are also emerging on a daily basis as smartphones increasingly handle online transactions. Security measures for mobile apps should be taken from the very beginning of the development phase, such as encrypting the code, securing back-end APIs, using reputable payment gateways, and finally testing your app in all possible scenarios before to start loading the application.

cloud-based applications

Many companies use cloud-based application development technology to develop mobile applications so that they can work more efficiently and increase their productivity. The cloud-based app takes the data from the cloud and thus this can be useful for both developers and owners as it reduces the load on internal storage.

the robots

The fastest growing technology is chatbots, with their trade growing at a rate of 36.12% and expected to reach $8 billion by 2023. Combined with mobile apps, business chatbots offer better interaction for companies. By 2020, 60% of US users are expected to engage with chatbots. The most popular chatbots developed so far are the weatherman, the doctor, and your financial assistant. Lots of businesses are now using chatbots to improve customer interactions and sales.

On-demand mobile apps

On-demand mobile apps have gained popularity in 2018 as they make our lives easier. We can use applications on demand anywhere. On-demand apps are primarily in the food ordering, car cleaning, and laundry service categories. Popular on-demand mobile apps include Uber, Peapod, and Airbnb.


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