With Google Podcasts, you can play the latest episodes of your favorite shows, explore podcast recommendations just for you, and manage your listening activity.
Discover the podcasts you'll love
• Subscribe and listen to all your favorite podcasts.
• Explore show and episode recommendations just for you.
• Explore popular and popular programs in comedy, news, history, music, business, television, film, education, health, fitness, technology, arts, science, sports, and more.
Personalize your listening experience
• Listen at faster playback speeds or skip the silence.
• Queue loops for a seamless listening experience.
• Easily track your listening history, downloads and subscriptions.
Listen wherever you are
• Listen on multiple devices (phone, laptop, smart speaker) without losing its place.
• Stream episodes for instant playback or automatic download of episodes for offline listening and on the go.
• Discover podcasts using Google Search and Google Assistant.v
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